Monday, February 6, 2012

Flying House: Floating high tech residential building

A journey that decisively solves the problem of nihilism

People's minds automatically create meaning providing projects that give them a reason to wake up in the morning and have something to look forward to. It could be children or some political cause, short to medium term projects. Hedonism stops providing meaning after a while since next week's partying or vacation doesn't have enough "epic" feel to it. Settling into middle class consumption is definitely pleasant but begins to stagnate the organism after a while.

So the trick is to shoot for the stars and create a goal crazy enough. This goal should:

1) Be a sort of constant bridge into the future that is always continually crossed
2) Be holistic and multidisciplinary enough that it stimulates various brain parts and knowledge fields so as not to turn the person into a unidimensional cardboard cut out
3) Be exciting and complex enough that you can get others lit up and possibly contribute

A good example of such a project on a massive scale was the Moon landing mission and space program in general.

More to the point, a flying house does this on a lot smaller and more individualistic level. The floating levitating platforms may share identical propulsion systems but the actual house can be as unique as the owner. Just as the concept of the ubermensch provides for a neverending evolving bridge between ape towards man towards transhuman, the concept of the flying house (uberhaus you heard it here first) does the same for an object. Obviously the uberhaus can always be taken to the next level in terms of propulsion, durability, architecture, size, and protection against various external elements (once FH is invented the goal becomes space house, etc). And of course we can conceptualize the merger between the transhuman and the house itself at some point in later half of the 21st century.

Why? Because. What else except retirement in a floating house capable of reaching high speed train velocities? Park it on a mountain top. Park it over water and go for a swim. Go hunting in it. Or have the onboard navigating software or your loved one park it (levitate few feet over ground) on a mountain top while you hike up there to have the most cozy bourgeois house waiting as a reward. Personal horizons are always expanded.

Because you already get into objects to travel between housing units but your housing unit can fly to another housing unit while you sleep. And of course you can get your friends and their flying houses to fly as a pack to whichever destination. Your trusty loyal FH can even help out with some other projects that you may be into if you modify it. Anything from small scale farming, fishing, scientific exploration, and even small time construction and manufacture.

Don't forget about the type of photography of wild animals you always wanted to do without spooking them. A flying house can be well hidden if you plaster the outsides with flexible screens that project the sky behind it. We're talking nearly invisible flying apparatus that wont be seen or attacked by jealous ground dwellers with high powered weaponry. Or you can advertise it if you want by having the screens display stunning visuals (a huge owl? activist messages? giant eyeball? psychedelic visuals? etc)

There's 7 billion humans on the planet. There's a lot of them who like this idea and don't know it yet. Many of them are also engineers and scientists and bored rich people. Flying House is a mathematical inevitability.

Think about it. Better yet, try to forget it, try to forget about the life affirming soul expanding cheery triumphant bell ringing of the sheer chutzpah of retiring in a flying house and literally just living anywhere. Flying House, you wont forget it. Not because it is easy, but because it is hard.

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