Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Flying House: Permanent floating residential structure

The more you think about it the more the mind embraces it..

Since we've cleared that FH is the most desirable possession, there has to be a dedicated movement to bring it about. FHP is not only an awareness raising organization to educate about the sheer hedonistic luxury that is a flying house. It is also a scientific interdisciplinary think tank where we integrate the latest findings in heavier than air flight to eventually attempt a prototype.

Mission: To conceptualize, design, and construct a floating platform for a mid sized house that can then be flown anywhere in the world. The platform must be:

1) Relatively quiet from the outside when activated
2) Must NOT be powered by dangerous chemical rocket propellants or beating against air by a wing like a helicopter or lighter than air gas that takes a lot of space
3) Must be able to achieve speeds comparable to high speed trains
4) Must be able to achieve heights comparable to a helicopter, to hover in one place in "parked mode", and also be able to float up to half a meter from the ground if needed.
5) Must be very stable on its horizontal axis and at least as stable as a ship on the ocean's waves so as not to spill things inside or create small airplane type unnerving turbulence
6) Must not need external man made energy inputs to power itself (making use of earth's electromagnetic field, boson fluctuations, solar, etc should enable it to be a net energy positive, a micro power station)
7) Must support a weight of a medium sized average Western house
8) Must be safe to approach by humans
9) Must not produce psychological or physiological disturbances in people over a long time and be as safe as any other large electric appliance
10) Must achieve precise mobility at slow speeds (think for example of a flying house following you a few meters above ground as needed)

Advanced conceptual ideas already out there:

First early flying house sketches:

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